
In development
Idea #52: Wireframe on shaded

bug This idea was marked as already implemented the 28 August 10.
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Written by the_sam the 18 Aug 10 at 14:28. Category: User Interface. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: Already implemented
Objects in blender are sometimes hard to distinct, that's why it would be a great if there was a method of displaying/shading all objects in the scene in a way where wireframe and shaded are combined.
Tags: shaded wireframe


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moomoo wrote on the 18 Aug 10 at 16:07
in 2.49 (don't know about 2.5x) you can activate wire on shaded in weight paint mode.When you go out of weight paint mode it will still be like that. You have to do this for each object you want individually, but until it is implemented as a proper draw type it's a decent workaround.

joshwedlake wrote on the 20 Aug 10 at 14:46
although it does already exist on a per object basis, it would be nice to be able to toggle it on and off for all objects quickly

sambler wrote on the 1 Sep 10 at 01:09
I recently added a patch for adding custom wire colour to an object (see idea 26) submitted for review at &atid=127

I have just added another patch to the above that adds some operators. Three of them relate to idea 26, two relate to this idea.

The operators are for the following -
1. toggle draw wire on/off
2. copy draw wire from active to all selected objects.

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