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Idea #187: Cavity shader

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Written by Jeepster the 21 Sep 10 at 01:47. Category: Texturing & Materials. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
A cavity shader makes it several times easier for modelers and sculptors to easily visualize bumps, valleys, and detail. This is where concave areas are displayed in a different color with a lower specularity.

example of zbrush's cavity shader:

Having used sculpt mode heavily for the last year, I think this would be incredibly helpful for artists.

There are three things that it needs to do:

1) update in realtime in the viewport while sculpting

2) work well with matcaps

3) be able to bake to a UV map
Tags: cavity shader

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madmesh wrote on the 22 Sep 10 at 12:29
Blender can use MatCaps from Zbrush.

Jeepster wrote on the 23 Sep 10 at 11:16
yes, matcaps work great in blender - I use them all the time. Cavity shading is different. It's not currently possible to create an effect that's realtime like the one shown in the zbrush example.

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