
In development
Idea #95: Interface is confusing and panels lack visual identifiers

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Written by lumpycow the 22 Aug 10 at 17:47. Category: User Interface. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
The panel headings really need to be theme-able so you can change the darkness/color, similar to what was in 2.4x, each panel had a darkened header (the part with the title and the arrow to minimize and expand a panel).

This really needs to be put back into 2.5x, the panel dividers don't work good enough, its hard to see where different panels start.

Having the ability to darken the headers will make the interface way more usable and your eye will be able to identify panels much quicker. As it stands now your eye will look up and down the e.g. buttons panel looking for where the setting is to, maybe looking up and down several times before you find the panel and settings your actually looking for.
Tags: Panels themes

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