Idea #786: Blender for portable Linux distro: Porteus
This idea is awaiting moderator approval before going to the popular ideas area. |
Written by RamonTavarez the 17 Mar 13 at 18:33. Category: Blenderstorm. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: Awaiting moderation |
I´m a Blender user (newbie) and a Porteus ( a Linux distro derived from SlackWare, www.porteus.org) user, and it would be good to have a version of Blender for this OS.
I´ve used and compared the performance of Blender on Portableapps and in Porteus (a version prepared by me from procedures of SlackBuild.org and converted to a Porteus module) and the performance on Linux is superior than the Windows version. |
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