
In development
Idea #472: linking lip riggings to text typed in.

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Written by Sergius9618 the 12 Mar 12 at 19:57. Category: Rigging. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
The idea is to store mouth settings on a character and link them to words typed into a command-line. The rigging could be copied from a person speaking vowels, consonants and test-words. these could then be stored as presets.
The user can afterwards expand the vocabulary and ad more words to naturalize the mouth settings of the character , if so wished, fonetic visualisation of the word and a thesaurus could be incorporated in the application.
Furthermore the facial expressions that denote the demeanor of the subject (happy, sad, surprised,...) are saved and could be a subset activated by correspondingly labeled buttons (on which also could be expanded..).
Suggested name for this add-on : Motormouth
Tags: rigging speech type

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julianchou11 wrote on the 16 Mar 12 at 23:28
Its very good idea.Thanks for your advice.

Alabama Alcohol Rehabilitation

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