Idea #434: Slight Trouble using the "Emulate 3 Button Mouse" button
Written by JumboJosh the 13 Dec 11 at 15:02. Category: User Interface. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New |
I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I have to use Blender on my laptop. So without a 3 button mouse, I need to select "Emulate 3 button mouse" to solve this problem.(under File>User Preferences>Input.) But when I use this I have to use ALT+LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to manipulate around the scene. Unfortunately, hitting ALT and then using the left mouse button just to simply manipulate around the scene can become quiet cumbersome. Especially if you want to pan, instead of hitting SHIFT + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON you have to hit ALT+SHIFT+LEFT MOUSE BUTTON.
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