Idea #424: Run Blenderplayer in fullscreen in secondary screen, in Linux
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Written by Mario Mey the 5 Dec 11 at 12:06. Category: Game Engine. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
I'm on Ubuntu and I have projector display to run BGE at fullscreen. But "blenderplayer" doesn't accept "-w" and "-f" at the same time. What would be usefull? What does it do? Example, we have two monitors of 1024x768. We do in terminal in main monitor:
blenderplayer -w -f file.blend
It would start blenderplayer window in the secondary monitor (1025px) and, when finish loading the file, it start in fullscreen.
I could do this with "devilspie", a little program where I can change some window configuration for each program. It makes what I want blenderplayer to do: moves the window and makes it fullscreen. We can get rid of it.
Tags: blenderplayer fullscreen
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