
In development
Idea #409: Removing unusable options in the BGE texture tab

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Written by Guillaume Côté the 3 Nov 11 at 00:38. Category: Game Engine. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
In the texture workflow for the game engine, you will come across various drop down menus, sliders and checkboxes that will offer you options that have no impact on the game engine or cannot be used by it.

Here is my personal list :
Influence tab
There are multiple options in the Blend drop down menu that have no impact as saturation, soft light and linear light (in GLSL, most of them aren't useful in the others). SingleTexture and MultiTextures also have a lot of sliders they can't use in that tab.
Some options of the coordinates dropdown menu aren't usable such as Strand Particles, sticky, stress.
The projection options don't seems to have any effect either.
Image Mapping and Colors
All the settings in theses tabs seems unusable by the game engine to me.

This make it really confusing for new users that see a lot of options where they aren't so many and where these options sometime have an influence, sometime don't.
Tags: BGE cleaning context interface sensitive

up equal down
up equal down

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