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Idea #376: Simple Deform - Bend More controll

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Written by steven198807 the 29 Jul 11 at 12:32. Category: Mesh Tools. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
When adding a simple deform modifier and changing the mode to bend you will find that it only bends on the X-axis by default, this means you have to rotate your model and apply the rotation(Ctrl+A) and then roate back to get the correct deform.
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ratmouse wrote on the 30 Jul 11 at 04:50
This can be achieved by using a reference object (such as an empty) for "Origin":
Move your reference object to the center of the scene and rotate it to change the deformation axis, this also allows for much greater freedom than just XYZ axes.

steven198807 wrote on the 30 Jul 11 at 06:11
alldo that works it does not work well.
For example to bend a tube on its X-axis i had to rotate the empty on both its X-axis and Z-axis by 90 which is not very logical when you could just instead hit a X box.
Also there is no reason it could not have both so you would still be able to chose origin.

example here

SMEBS wrote on the 10 Sep 11 at 10:34
Move your reference object to the center of the scene and rotate it to change the deformation axis, this also allows for much greater freedom than just XYZ axes.


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