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madmesh wrote on the 27 Sep 10 at 14:49 |
100% against Solution 1
Keep the text buttons. The text button interface is key to what makes Blenders interface efficient.
It seems illogical to me to optimize Blenders interface for display on 15" notebook. The interface looks fine to me on 21" and 24" displays, behind a desktop PC,. I believe that's how the majority of Blender users is using Blender.
With the new 2.5 interface Blender has gotten a thorough revamp of the interface, enough is enough. |
FreeMind wrote on the 27 Sep 10 at 23:08 |
100% For Solution 1
Icons ARE easier to read. Plus, less space. Perfect.
FreeMind wrote on the 27 Sep 10 at 23:09 |
I'd also suggest adding them to the top horizontally, so the 3D view ratio could be more horizontal and less squished vertically. |
FreeMind wrote on the 28 Sep 10 at 10:02 |
The thing is not what you can do for yourself, but what the devs can do for everyone. |
madmesh wrote on the 2 Nov 10 at 02:29 |
"The thing is not what you can do for yourself, but what the devs can do for everyone. "
And how much are you paying these developers? Oh wait, they are volunteers. I cant even begin to explain how wrong the above statement is.
The new Blender architecture allows users to adapt the interface, write addons for their personal tastes and needs. |
"And how much are you paying these developers?"
If it wasn't for the users, Blender wouldn't make any money at all.
You might as well say,
Why does Blender have a GUI at all? The users can code it themselves.
madmesh wrote on the 3 Nov 10 at 03:36 |
"If it wasn't for the users, Blender wouldn't make any money at all."
Most of the developers dont get paid, they are volunteers. The Blender foundation is non-profit and not about making money. If you pay developers you can make demands, if not you should be glad with what you can get.
"Why does Blender have a GUI at all? The users can code it themselves."
This statement makes no sense. Coding the GUI is for adapting and personalizing the interface, like I said.
Using icons instead of text buttons because a 15" laptop display is too small is a personal preference. Not a feature everyone will benefit from. These types of customisations can be coded in python and dont need to be part of Blender's core feature set.
Changing the interface to accomodate the "exeption to the rule" is a bad idea. A better solution would be: Buy a laptop with a bigger screen. |
How is text better then Icons again?
You do realise that we are not talking about the whole GUI, right? Just the toolshelf.
"The text button interface is key to what makes Blenders interface efficient. "
Not true. As humans have better visual memory.
Plus, the text buttons require a lot of scrolling and reading till you find the desired tool.
Try comparing: sculpt brushes without icons and with icons (like we do have now). In which case you find the desired brush faster?
I think the answer is obvious.
Now Imagine if the same was applied to Object and Edit mode tools. Still think it would be less efficient?
"If you pay developers you can make demands, if not you should be glad with what you can get. "
so basically, what you are saying that blenderstorm is useless because none of the users are paying the devs to implement their idea?
Btw, this is not a demand, this is an idea.
"Not a feature everyone will benefit from. "
Yes it is. Though not urgent.
madmesh wrote on the 3 Nov 10 at 14:35 |
"How is text better then Icons again?"
You can read text buttons, thats how.
"Not true. As humans have better visual memory."
You dont need to memorize text buttons, just read them. Icons are harder BECAUSE you have to memorize them. Once youve done that, you will be using shortcuts anyway.
"Plus, the text buttons require a lot of scrolling and reading till you find the desired tool."
On a 15" laptop, yes. The OP needs a bigger laptop, problem solved. If you have problems finding a tool, map a key to it and use shortcuts.
Or is this about "learning Blender is hard for beginners"? |
madmesh wrote on the 3 Nov 10 at 14:37 |
"so basically, what you are saying that blenderstorm is useless because none of the users are paying the devs to implement their idea?"
No, thats what you are saying. I was refferring to your comment: "The thing is not what you can do for yourself, but what the devs can do for everyone." Youre saying you cant be bothered to program a GUI yourself in Python like Pharion suggested, you want a developer to do it for you. If you want service like that then hire a programmer.
As an artist you can provide feedback on Blender and ideas for improvement, this is what Blenderstorm is for. If there is enough support for the idea chances are a developer wil implement it. |
madmesh wrote on the 3 Nov 10 at 14:47 |
The OP wants icons because his 15" laptop is too small to display the toolshelf, should Blender's interface be changed because of this, for all users using Blender? I dont think so, the toolshelf is not too big, the screen is too small.
Blender offers the tools to change the interface through python, so this is already possible. Because this request is specific to the OP's needs, changing the GUI through python is the way to go.
"You can read text buttons, thats how. "
You can read icons aswell.
By hovering your mouse over the icon.
But once you do that, you don't need to do it ever again, unlike with text buttons.
"Icons are harder BECAUSE you have to memorize them"
Imho memorising is easier then reading all the time.
"On a 15" laptop, yes. The OP needs a bigger laptop, problem solved."
I think, the more the GUI saves space (without hurting the eyes ofcource), the better. In any conditions.
Isn't that the truth?
"Or is this about "learning Blender is hard for beginners""
"I was refferring to your comment"
"The thing is not what you can do for yourself, but what the devs can do for everyone."
Thats the whole point of Blenderstorm! To implement an idea to the official blender (for everyone) if it's good enough and liked by many! It's not about changes to specific users.
"should Blender's interface be changed because of this, for all users using Blender?"
Sounds like a good idea, no one will ever run t |
... to the same situation ever again. Which is, ofcource, a good thing.
This debate of ours is not gonna take us anywhere.
Let's just leave it to the votes, shall we?
I'm fine with any outcome of this. Icons are not important, but could be a nice touch.
madmesh wrote on the 4 Nov 10 at 09:01 |
I agree this is going nowhere. I've made my point as clear as its going to get. |
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