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zeauro wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 05:16 |
You focuses too much on what preview already show.
But what about splitviewer ?
In a viewer node you can connect any socket to it. You can see Alpha, Normal, Shadow...etc.
You won't speed up workflow if you loose comparaison capabilities . |
FreeMind wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 06:29 |
Update! |
sambler wrote on the 25 Nov 10 at 14:56 |
There is a shortcut already (maybe not well known yet) - add at least one viewer node (this could be included in the default node setup) and ctrl-shift-click on a node to connect it to the active viewer node |
FreeMind wrote on the 26 Nov 10 at 01:52 |
yeah, but the viewer node is still there and taking up space. |
madmesh wrote on the 23 Dec 10 at 15:25 |
I'm all for removing the viewer node, its cumbersome.
But I agree with Zeauro that we should not lose the ability to view alpha, normal etc. |
FreeMind wrote on the 24 Dec 10 at 06:28 |
Do alphas and normals have anything to do with the viewer/Splitviewer node? |
madmesh wrote on the 27 Dec 10 at 07:46 |
Wel in the mockup its not clear if you can specify which output you want to view, presumably only the image output. The renderlayer node has 3 ouputs: image, alpha and Zdepth these cannot be viewed in your current proposal.
The ability to view outputs other then "image" is not a feature I would like to lose in favor of your proposal. |
FreeMind wrote on the 27 Dec 10 at 09:37 |
Good point.
Few ways to fix this:
1) Connect the Zdepth to a composite node, press the eye on the composite.
2) Selection of what you want to see on the header. |
FreeMind wrote on the 25 Feb 11 at 04:32 |
The eye could be selectable next to each output, not the header. This way youcould select either image, depth or alpha or whatever.... |
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