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Idea #257: Particle object animations, mostly use global time

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Written by madmesh the 9 Nov 10 at 14:10. Category: Particles. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
The emitter can use "relative object time". Meaning an animation can start at the "birth" of a particle instead of a fixed moment in global time. The problem is more elaborately explained in the below link. sion,_Interaction_and_Time

An object used as a particle can only have "object" related animation mapped to "relative object time".
Tags: animation global object particle particles relative time

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zeauro wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 05:28
Object time relative to What ?
Time for particle is relative to their birth and life.
But objects are not emitted.
Complicated animations of objects are drivers' job.

zeauro wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 05:33
I think that it should be a driver option for shared datablocks.

madmesh wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 15:43
"Object time relative to What ?"
Relative to the birth of the particle.

"But objects are not emitted. "
A particle emitter can be set to emit objects or a group of objects, so yes objects ARE emitted.

"Complicated animations of objects are drivers' job."
Using drivers for channels that do not support "relative object time" wont solve anything.

I suggest you read the Blender wiki link first.

zeauro wrote on the 1 Dec 10 at 11:59
Ok ! It is more clear. You are not talking about objects.
You are talking about particles displayed or rendered as object or group.

Blender doesn't create a new object data for each particle. It is the same kind of hack that for dupliverts or dupligroup.

In 2.49b, a time offset can be set on a dupligroup to delay animation.
But there is no more IPO time in 2.5.

You just suggest an animation offset relative to particle's birth.
It seems much more reasonable than trying to resize objects animation's speed to particle's life .
IMO, blender would not support to distinguish each animated values in order to know for which one; thousands of offset must be applied.

madmesh wrote on the 6 Dec 10 at 04:33
All I'm asking for is that all animatable channels can do what the material atributes of the particle material can do. So I'm not asking for new F-curve behaviour, just a consistent one.

That doesnt mean that the entire animation is scaled to the lifespan of a particle. Just that the birth of a particle is aligned with the start of the animated channels, like it does now for the particle material.

The time offset is a different beasty not related to particles, I'm not sure how you came to bring that into this?

zeauro wrote on the 7 Dec 10 at 06:05
I understand what you want but you don't understand how it actually works.

When particles have a type of visualization that is not object type; particles use emitter's material.
When visualization is object; material used is visualized object's one.
So you have to animate visualized object's material to see color changes.

Object visualization is a hack. Blender put an empty using group duplication at each particle location.
_Animate an object.
_Create a group with this object.
_ Add a group instance to your scene.
In 2.49, you can delay animation for Group Instance by setting a time offset in Anim Settings tab in Object panel(F7).
In 2.5, time offset does not work because there is no more Time IPOcurve.

For object visualization, blender put a group instance of chosen object in each particle location.

Actually, a group instance is not a duplicate with linked data.
It is an empty which display other object's data.
It displays animation's data of an other object.
Its own animation only c

zeauro wrote on the 7 Dec 10 at 06:08
Its own animation only can be an animation of empty's data.

Commit from Jakha , 55min ago
"Particle" texture coordinates for halo materials:
* Particle age can now be used as the texture x-coordinate, and location in a particle trail as the y-coordinate.
* This finally enables particles in 2.5 to change their color (or any other texturable material property) by their age.
* In 2.4x this was accomplished with the "100 frames == particle age", but this was both non-intuitive and slow as the animation system had to be recalculated for every particle.
* Currently these are 2d coordinates (age/lifetime == x-coordinate, trail particle index/number of trail particles == y-coordinate), but other particle properties or possibly even a user definable property can be added as coordinates in the future.
* On the code side this uses the same coordinate definition number (for halo materials) as strand coordinates (for surface materials). This is also nice as they intuitively mean nearly the sam

madmesh wrote on the 7 Dec 10 at 11:54
I'm very clear in my proposal in how I expect it it to work. And from an artist perspective I understand the particle system very wel. Your explanation details how object visualisation works in Blender right now, but what point are trying to make by explaining this? Are you explaining why it doesnt work right now or maybe that its hard for coders to implement? I read nothing that invallidates the proposal in the sense that its a bad idea or that there are other and better ways to achieve the same result. I have no doubt that its complicated to implement, but that should not be a barrier to submit a proposal.

zeauro wrote on the 8 Dec 10 at 03:36
You are right.
I just wanted to say that this kind of things will not be reimplemented the old way.
The dedicated particles branch have for goal to made everything nodeable.
So it should be possible to do it with a node set up.

zeauro wrote on the 8 Dec 10 at 03:51
I think that we can wait and see what will come from Phonybone's work before voting for this idea.

madmesh wrote on the 20 Dec 10 at 07:49
I wil try to contact Phonybone and ask him if he is working on anything related to object and global time.

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