
In development
Idea #226: Separate the scene layer settings between "render layers" and the 3D view

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Written by madmesh the 25 Oct 10 at 07:05. Category: Compositing. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
The scene layers in the "render layer" tab and the "3D view" are linked, this is not always desireable.

There are 2 problems with the current state:
- Individual render layers for the same scene cannot have their own set of scene layers, scene layers are global for the entire scene.
- The layers you want to have active when youre working on your scene are not always the same layers you want to render. The "lock" solves this problem, partially, but only for the 3D view.
Tags: compositor layers render scene

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zeauro wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 06:36
What is the problem ?

Render layers only render layers on the right under "Layers :".
By default, they are all selected but you can choose only one.
So each renderlayer can have a different set of this layers as mask layers.

But you have to precise all the layers to render for the whole scene.
They are on the left under "Scene :" .

"Locks" Tooltip is clear for me. Layers on header are View Layers but they are synchronise to Scene by defaut.

zeauro wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 06:38
You can create several scene and choose Render layers from different scenes in Node Editor.

FreeMind wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 08:03
Creating different scenes and all that is just a workaround. I don't think the user should use workarounds....

madmesh wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 15:24

The problem is as follows:
There are 3 sets of 20 layers in the "layer" panel under the render tab. 1. the "scene layers", 2. the "scene render layers", 3. the "mask layers". The "scene render layers" are a subset of the "scene layers", and that is not always desireable. The "scene render layers" should not be a subset of the "scene layers". Because the "scene layers" are linked to the entire scene, while the "scene render layers" are linked to a render layer. In Blender a scene can have multiple "render layers" with different settings for "scene render layers" but only one set of "scene layers".

madmesh wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 15:30
In the sollution I am suggesting that the "scene render layers" are not reliant on "scene layers". What the scene layers should do is only manage what is shown in the 3D viewport, not what is rendered. To not confuse new users, the default behaviour should be such that "render scene layers" adopt the settings of the "scene layers" (current behaviour) UNLESS the user indicates differently.

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