
In development
Idea #200: option to assign materials to curves face/back, extrude and bevel.

Written by delic the 30 Sep 10 at 10:24. Category: Mesh Tools. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
An option to assign materials to curves face/back, extrude and bevel would be very useful.
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Morgoth Bauglir wrote on the 11 Nov 10 at 06:18
I think controls for this should be in the curve's properties, not in the material panel. There are too many other objects materials are assigned to, that do not need that function to warrant a placement in the material settings.

zeauro wrote on the 18 Nov 10 at 02:52
"Assign" buttons are already in the material settings.
I suggest to improve them.
It would not be very different to change from a face select mode to a vertex select mode.
Spline extrusion front back options could be icons.

I am just saying that Solution #1 does not take in count what blender can already do.
If you put this settings in curve properties, Front or Back would have same color for all splines of curve object.
It would probably break the actual ability to write a text object with different colors by letters.

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