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FreeMind wrote on the 25 Sep 10 at 05:08 |
Did you know that by selecting and dragging you can actually move the object? |
madmesh wrote on the 26 Sep 10 at 01:21 |
Actually I didnt know that.
I'm so accustomed to draging with my left mouse button I didnt try the right button. :S
I was afraid it was left out.
That makes this idea obsolete. |
madmesh wrote on the 27 Sep 10 at 14:04 |
Even if the old gesture system should return, making it an option will satisfy both new and old users. Turning gestures off in the startup preferences wil be enough to aviod any confusion. Blender users who are acustumed to the old gestures can turn them on and "CTRL+U". |
FreeMind wrote on the 27 Sep 10 at 14:43 |
well, if they do get back, they shouldn't be on by default. New users don't bother looking at the preferences.
They should also be implemented into the keymap, so you could map them to any key, plus changing what each shape means. |
delic wrote on the 2 Oct 10 at 09:22 |
Would vote for it by default, once handy it's very quick, and not that complicated to understand for newbs.
Actually they are.
Basically, the combination of dumb controls such as "Left mouse places a weird target or does a random scale rotate or move" is confusing as hell.
Even now Blender has dumb and confusing controls (Right click select, etc). Lets not make it worse. |
Its not that with a million years and $ to put behind coding that this isn't a great idea, but with very good gesture solutions out there already for win/osx/linux, this just seems, to me, in my opinion, like an investment in coding that could go toward a feature that cant be provided by an external solution already(other gesture apps).
Personally, I'd rather see a bug free B25, than gestures added back into B25. Or better yet, get all the 2.49 features back into 2.5 trunk before any time is invested in gestures. Or better yet, a fully-fleshed-out PyApi, or better yet.... and so on...
I dont mean to offend any Blender-native gesture lovers from 2.4x, but there are BETTER solutions for gesturing in all major OS's, some free, some not. |
madmesh wrote on the 6 Oct 10 at 23:58 |
You do realize that gestures have been a part of Blender in previous versions right? Its not a new feature. My request was to bring it back like it was, not re-code it from scratch. You mention you want 2.49 features back, well this is one of them.
Sound like you never got accustomed to some of the most basic UI functionality in Blender, like using the 3D cursor properly. Like I mentioned before, make it an option and turn it of if you dont like it. |
, I do realize gestures were in blender for a long time. I was mostly speaking of my personal opinion on resource focusing for the limited number of Blender devs.
IMO, Gestures aren't a bad feature at all. But rather, they're a feature that is already available with MANY freeware/payware tools(for nearly EVERY OS) now, that are far more customizable. Whereas there are still a number of 2.4x features that actually affect the final render when comparing a 2.4x render and 2.5x render of the same blend. To each their own, but I would prefer at least a matching toolset for modeling, and a render/compositor feature-set that can perform AT LEAST as well as 2.4x before non-modeling/non-rendering/non-compositing features are focused heavily on in 2.5. Again, just my opinion. |
"Sound like you never got accustomed to some of the most basic UI functionality in Blender"
Not true. I've been using Blender for years and I am comfortable with all the controls. When i criticize blender controls, i look at it through a beginners perspective. Did you notice that most people that started out with blender for the first time turn it off in 5 minutes and leaves it for a year? (I was one of them). Try guessing why that happens.
Blender confuses the s**t out of them. |
zeauro wrote on the 8 Oct 10 at 09:31 |
Actually , you can use Tweak Map Type to use mouse movement as shortcut. |
madmesh wrote on the 8 Oct 10 at 15:34 |
Like mentioned before, turn it of by default so new users wont be confused. Blender users who are comfortable with it can turn it on.
There's no reason to bring up the "new users" argument if its an option. |
 dna (Developer) wrote on the 2 Nov 10 at 10:47 |
Deleted the 'Leave as is' solution since it is the same as down-voting the idea and just adds clutter. |
Luis36 wrote on the 27 Sep 11 at 00:05 |
This is a little outdated but still valid...
An add-On for Blender 2.5x to use Mouse Gestures. /
Cheers |
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