
In development
Idea #174: Retopo bad display

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Written by FreeMind the 12 Sep 10 at 08:50. Category: User Interface. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
When in edit mode and retopolising, you can see it in two ways:

1) The high poly model hides parts of your low poly model wireframe.

2) Not hiding parts of the wireframe, but you could also see the backfaces and the model gets harder to read.

This is really bad. It seems like a must to fix.
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FreeMind wrote on the 13 Sep 10 at 04:23
This Idea also has nothing to do with the duplicate.

dna (Developer) wrote on the 13 Sep 10 at 13:18
Basically this is object->display->X-ray + wireframe backface culling.

Sounds like a duplicate to me...

FreeMind wrote on the 14 Sep 10 at 07:02
No, Xray doesn't seem like completely working here.
Firstly, I think it should work instantly, without no extra steps.
Secondly, Would be great to still see how the low poly faces intersect with the high poly model.

JulianH wrote on the 15 Sep 10 at 05:58
The real problem is only visible with constantly convex meshes.

A solution would be a combination (transparant mix) between

FreeMind wrote on the 15 Sep 10 at 09:45
I think this way would be perfect if only the backfaces wouldn't be drawn and you couldn't select the backfaces either.

netbuz10101 wrote on the 16 Sep 10 at 00:47
I think this definitely is a problem worth working on. it sounds easy to fix, once what to do exactly is decided upon.

JulianH wrote on the 19 Sep 10 at 06:33
I think something like that would help:

FreeMind wrote on the 12 Nov 10 at 03:32
In your lact mockup, the backfaces are still visible, i don't think they should be visible at all when doing a retopo.

zeauro wrote on the 13 Nov 10 at 04:51
It shoud be default behaviour in solid viewport shading when Mesh's double-sided option is disabled .

But the only way to hide backfaces is to activate Textured viewport shading.
And finally if you hide edges in Mash Display Panel, all edges are hidden.

JulianH wrote on the 30 Nov 10 at 03:06
@ FreeMind: I think you can't draw a clear line between faces being close to the front faces and faces further inside the object. Therefore still showing them, but in the background of any other faces inside the object (as in the mockup), gives a good overview imo.

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