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Idea #16: Network-rendering single images

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Written by Nomis the 17 Aug 10 at 02:31. Category: Compositing. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: Awaiting moderation
Network Rendering only works through distributing complete image rendering jobs, so it can´t be used for singe images that take long time to render.
Tags: Network Rendering


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nazgul (Developer) wrote on the 17 Aug 10 at 12:59
Such opportunity looks useful for me: i've got plenty of not very powerful notebooks which could help me with working under one-frame scene.
There is script for blender 2.49 which could distribute rendering of single frame between several nodes: compositing.
At least this script could be adopted, but i've got one more idea: it could be useful to specify sub-area of complete frame. This could be used either for distributed single-frame rendering or for working under specified area of scene (mostly texturing with ray mirrors, transparents and so on)

Joeri wrote on the 18 Aug 10 at 04:08
Most render dispatchers can do this for you.
Renderpal has a splitscreen option.

Albeit having a render dispatcher in blender would help loads of people on single images and sequences.

sambler wrote on the 19 Aug 10 at 01:02
I agree - the single image is already split up to be rendered by threads on the current machine.

On a similar note I think the normal render options for image size etc should be visible with the netrender option instead of switching back and forth. Netrendering a single frame would make this more necessary. (maybe another idea)

a7hob wrote on the 18 Feb 13 at 02:25

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