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Idea #154: Slide vertex

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Written by kivig the 5 Sep 10 at 11:44. Category: Mesh Tools. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
There's slide edge tool that is extremely useful for modeling.
It'd be great to be able to move vertex the same way along it's connected edges.
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Moolah wrote on the 9 Sep 10 at 01:59
Agree too and also...
It would be even more useful to have the ability to slide not connected (by selection) edges (and vertices) of the same edge loop. Now it's boring when you want to edge-slide something complex because you need to repeat very similar actions or contrive something if it's possible.
I can easily make a mesh to demonstrate this ;)
It's not critical but is more like "not in other programs" :)) So if you've seen (and used) it once - you want it in Blender.

zeauro wrote on the 8 Oct 10 at 12:15
If you want to slide a vertex along edge, you have to tell blender which one.

So it is very similar to select edge as transform orientation (Ctrl Alt Spacebar) and move vertex.

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