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Idea #14: What object uses this texture?

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Written by cet the 17 Aug 10 at 00:57. Category: Texturing & Materials. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
I would love a button that would take me directly to the object using a specific texture. I've had a file where the textures went missing, so i get error messages telling me that those textures can't be packed into the file. Also it creates trouble when i want to network render on for instance
I know i should probably also be a little more structured when i work, in regards to naming.. But it could also happen in those cases..
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emu wrote on the 18 Aug 10 at 06:49
Joeri:: I guess we are talking about 2.45. The car buttons are history.

emu wrote on the 18 Aug 10 at 06:50
edit: I meant 2.5x, but I wrote 2.45. Sorry.

cet wrote on the 18 Aug 10 at 08:23
I couldn't find the missing texture, or whatever it was, in the outliner. I tried that the first time.. But i agree that it is a good solution to use the outliner.. The only thing i would like there, is that the search is recursive, so you don't have to manually expand the data..

joshwedlake wrote on the 28 Aug 10 at 08:53
did you know that you can link mesh,shape key, material and even texture level animation blocks to objects in 2.5 though it is expressed nowhere in the UI. the only way to do it currently is by manually typing in data_path s in the datablockbrowser/outliner!

OOPS would really make this much easier to understand and to do.

sambler wrote on the 10 Sep 11 at 01:12
As of r40066 the patch in solution 5 has been committed to trunk.

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