
In development
Idea #130: Geometry constraints for mesh editing

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Written by GrizzLyCRO the 28 Aug 10 at 14:09. Category: Mesh Tools. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
Imagine vertices A and B.
I want to lock position of A and have B 20 cm away.
Furthermore i want that edge AB forms 38 degrees corner with X axis.

This is not only use case for geometry constraints, if this is going to get implemented, it needs to be implemented fully.
Tags: catia constraints geometry mesh modeling

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emu wrote on the 1 Sep 10 at 12:51
I think that you mix two ideas - though both are very good.
One thing is geometric constrains, that would allow a CAD-like workflow. I think that BlenderCad project aims for.
The other thing is to make constraints affect object data. Currently, they can only affect an object or a bone, altering its location, size etc. It is perhaps an obstacle to good implementation of other nice features. For example: I hate Hook being a modifier. It is certainly not one, and being a modifier makes it quite too difficult to work with. It would be my candidate #1 for becoming a geometry constraint.

Moolah wrote on the 2 Sep 10 at 05:25
I worked in DS Catia for about three years and I was simply amazed by it's constraint system. I agree that Blender misses that kind of improvements but I think that only for "usual" (non-CAD) production Blender needs only object-to-object constraints of that type.

@emu, I think that Hook just isn't "flexible" enough but I used it with succes when did some little cloth simulations.

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