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Idea #101: Blender needs an Asset Browser and a Library

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Written by netbuz10101 the 23 Aug 10 at 13:47. Category: User Interface. Related project: Nothing/Others. Status: New
I agree with many posts that an "Asset library" is needed. Its an issue to remake things in a production environment. It saves hours not to remake a crate, barrel or whatever every week. Hunting through a file or finding the right one can be burdensome too. Thats why you sometimes remake that thing, even if its silly to do so.
Tags: Asset files Library management

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uriel wrote on the 14 Nov 10 at 19:52
I agree with this one ! we really need this tool inside blender, i will make a +:

we need asset management , maybe in the file browser, with a project tools:
- create new project (browse, +/-, path,rename, move...)
- Tagging files will be a nice option, on any kind of files located in the project folder!
- tags will be stored in a separate file (txt or py ?) in the samme project folder

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